About Masayo
Masayo Benoist:
Masayo was born and raised in Japan. living in LA with husband and a dog. Home studio in West Los Angeles. former actor. She loves capturing theater and dance movement and fitness.
Photo session rate (including digital proof)
A standard : $380
*2o min consulting via zoom
*1hour Photo shooting.
*3 digital data (including minor retouch)
from over 100 images shooting proof.
B full session : $600
half day (shooting time 3h max)
*30 min consulting via zoom
* multiple look (w/10 digital data)
* from over 200 images shooting.
*200 images of shooting proof with watermark.
either my studio or somewhere else
(I will ask for travel fee and set up fee)
C * Commercial one day $1200 for buy out.
D * Theater : start from $450 ~
E * Live music : from $450 or buy images.
F * Photo party, Headshot party. ask Masayo
: additional retouch from $50~ each images
: digital art work $from $500 ~
H * VIDEO shooting $800/half day
(footage only)
I * VIDEO Shoot + Edit $1500 (3 min long)
J * VIDEO editing add + $800/day
Liza Monjauze Productions (musical)
Lee Strusberg theater Weho Youth program.(musical)
Mari Hamada (Singer)
Vic Hennegan (musician)
Crazy Monkey Gym, (Seattle)
Dance movement: 5Rhythms Grobbal,
Adam Barley, Jo Cobbett, Lucia Horan, Christina G S, Bella Dreizier, Heeraa Sazevich, Daniella Platner...
Actors reffered by Yumi Takeda casting and Hyper media productions.